Please submit your request through email to [email protected] if the severity of the issue does not need immediate resolution.
In the email’s SUBJECT LINE, please briefly describe the issue(s) you are experiencing.
Standard Business Hours:
Monday–Friday; 8:00 am-5:00 pm
For IMMEDIATE assistance, please CALL the STL Managed Services Desk at 309-661-5700.
Impacts ALL Users, preventing them from performing Critical Daily Activities.
Response Time (call or email).
Impacts MOST Users, and/or prevents them from performing a Single Critical Activity.
Response Time (call or email).
Impacts a SINGLE User, and/or prevents the performance of a Critical Business Activity.
Response Time (call or email).
To ensure the best possible service, please provide as much of the following information as possible.
- Contact Name
- Phone Number (Ext.)
- Email Address
- Availability (Work Hours)
- Type of problem (Email, Internet, Slow Computer, etc.).
- Have the computer(s) been rebooted?
- How many employees are experiencing the same issue?
- When did the issue begin?
- Prior to the issue, was there a significant occurrence that may have been the cause?

After a support email is submitted, our ticketing system will send a confirmation receipt.
The receipt email will include a link to log into our ticket portal to check on the issue status.
The link will take you to (Pictured)
Most businesses will “Sign in with Microsoft”.
Most schools will “Sign in with Google”.
If neither option works, create an account by clicking on “Sign up”.